Veritas Kids exists to see the lives of children transformed by the gospel! Through carefully planned lessons that tell the stories of the Bible, it is our desire to creatively engage with kids, offering a safe environment where they can encounter Jesus.

Most importantly, we encourage and support families as the primary place of discipleship in their children’s lives. We offer resources and aid to parents as they guide and grow their children in light of the gospel!


Short North

Infants (6 months until walking)
Lower Toddlers (walkers* through 2 years)
Upper Toddlers (3 years old)
Pre-K (4-5 years old)
Elementary (K-4th grade)


Infant (6 mo-18 mo)
Lower Toddlers (18-30 mo/2.5 yrs)
Upper Toddlers (2.5-4 yrs)
Pre-K (4-5 years old)
K-2nd grade
3rd-5th grade


Nursery: 6 months - 2 years
Pre-K/Elementary: 2 years - 6th grade


We know that disability can make it difficult to plug into a community. It's our goal to ensure that no barriers exist for anyone who wants to hear the Gospel and enter into the community that God is forming at Veritas Community Church. We have "Buddy" Teams at all three congregations, staffed with trained volunteers who can help families whose children have unique needs, challenges to learning, and disabilities.

Everyone deserves to experience God's grace at weekly Gatherings and within community. We invite you to fill out our intake form, sharing your story and specific needs, so that we can be prepared to serve you when you arrive!