The Gospel
Kids, just like adults, are sinful and in need of Christ’s saving love (Romans 3:23; 6:23). Only the Gospel changes children, families, neighborhoods, and schools.
Teaching With Excellence
So that kids will learn the gospel of God—His word and His works (Deuteronomy 6:6-9; Exodus 13:14-16).
Integrating Veritas' Rhythms
So that children value worship, service, learning, mission, and community.
Uniting Church and Home
Because the church must walk alongside the family to train children in godliness. (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).
Because the truth of the Gospel can be understood and applied by children even at a young age (2 Timothy 2:7).
Because the Holy Spirit is at work in the hearts of children, using the teaching of biblical truth to form them into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ.
Worship with Awe and Joy
So that children are in awe of God’s glory and respond in expressions of heart-felt worship (John 4:23-24).
We value kids as gifts from God and welcome them to receive His Kingdom just as Jesus does in Mark 10. It is our hope that our children would find everlasting joy in Christ and that the Gospel becomes the compass by which they explore and navigate the rest of their lives. We believe that like each of us, God created each child to know Him, love Him, and build His Kingdom through the local church. We also believe that children, just like adults, are broken sinners who live in a fallen world, and that the only remedy for their condition is the redeeming love of Jesus Christ.
We believe that the home is the primary place of discipleship and growth for our kids. God has appointed parents to raise their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 4:6). Rather than being assumed by their parents, the mandate to train children in godliness is too often “outsourced” exclusively to the church and is considered the job of their Sunday School teachers. However, Scripture clearly teaches that the primary responsibility and blessing of training children to love God and be transformed by the Gospel belongs to the parents and that the church is to partner with them, equipping them to achieve that end. Parents have been entrusted with the call to teach their children the word of God (Deuteronomy 6:7), to lead and cover them faithfully in prayer, and to live out a lifestyle before them that glorifies God.
Our responsibility and commitment as a church is to foster the emotional, physical, and, most importantly, spiritual development of your child in two primary ways:
Offer a safe, creative, and engaging place for kids to encounter Jesus and have their lives transformed by the Gospel.
Assist and equip parents in nurturing a Christ-centered home.
At each of our Sunday gatherings we will provide a loving environment for kids to learn biblical truth and encounter the presence of God while parents participate in communal worship. Each Sunday, Veritas Kids experience a creative portrayal of biblical stories, discussion, musical worship, prayer, and visual arts as well as times of guided play in which they can experience community with other kids and build relationships with loving adults.
At Veritas, we endeavor to surround parents and families in biblical community, to shepherd them in a deeply committed relationship with God, and to equip them to exemplify and actively impart to their children what it means to love God and glorify Him in all things. We want to acknowledge, train, and hold them accountable as the primary disciple-makers in their children’s lives.
We value kids as gifts from God and welcome them to receive His Kingdom just as Jesus does in Mark 10. It is our hope that our children would find everlasting joy in Christ and that the Gospel becomes the compass by which they explore and navigate the rest of their lives. We believe that like each of us, God created each child to know Him, love Him, and build His Kingdom through the local church. We also believe that children, just like adults, are broken sinners who live in a fallen world, and that the only remedy for their condition is the redeeming love of Jesus Christ.
We believe that the home is the primary place of discipleship and growth for our kids. God has appointed parents to raise their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 4:6). Rather than being assumed by their parents, the mandate to train children in godliness is too often “outsourced” exclusively to the church and is considered the job of their Sunday School teachers. However, Scripture clearly teaches that the primary responsibility and blessing of training children to love God and be transformed by the Gospel belongs to the parents and that the church is to partner with them, equipping them to achieve that end. Parents have been entrusted with the call to teach their children the word of God (Deuteronomy 6:7), to lead and cover them faithfully in prayer, and to live out a lifestyle before them that glorifies God.
Our responsibility and commitment as a church is to foster the emotional, physical, and, most importantly, spiritual development of your child in two primary ways:
Offer a safe, creative, and engaging place for kids to encounter Jesus and have their lives transformed by the Gospel.
Assist and equip parents in nurturing a Christ-centered home.
At each of our Sunday gatherings we will provide a loving environment for kids to learn biblical truth and encounter the presence of God while parents participate in communal worship. Each Sunday, Veritas Kids experience a creative portrayal of biblical stories, discussion, musical worship, prayer, and visual arts as well as times of guided play in which they can experience community with other kids and build relationships with loving adults.
At Veritas, we endeavor to surround parents and families in biblical community, to shepherd them in a deeply committed relationship with God, and to equip them to exemplify and actively impart to their children what it means to love God and glorify Him in all things. We want to acknowledge, train, and hold them accountable as the primary disciple-makers in their children’s lives.