12.15.24 - West Sunday Gathering Liturgy

West Sunday Gathering Liturgy - December 15,

Carry Sunday with you into your week by pausing to reflect on the readings, prayers, and songs we shared in together as the body of Christ.


Leader: O God, in your great wisdom you have shown us the way of life through your son, Jesus Christ. We confess with shame our slowness to learn of him, our failure to follow him, and our reluctance to bear the cross.

Congregation: Have mercy on us, Lord, and forgive us.

Leader: We confess the poverty of our worship, our neglect of fellowship and of the means of grace, our hesitating witness for Christ, our evasion of responsibilities in our service, our imperfect stewardship of your gifts. 


Leader: Christ is our peace; those who are divided he has made one.

Congregation: He has broken down the barriers of separation by his death and has built us up into one body, with God.

Leader: This prayer is for all who represent and believe he has promised reconciliation. So live as people reconciled!


Leader: As you go from here, remember the promise of God: “I will rescue those who love me, I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue them and honor them.” So go from here with joy, confident that the love and mercy of God goes with you. Peace be with you.

Congregation: And also with you!

Psalm 91:14-15

Sunday's music:

In Tenderness
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
He Who Is Mighty
What Child Is This
Living Hope

This playlist is updated each week with songs from the previous Sunday's Gathering:

Listen to the sermon:

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Veritas Community Church

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