6.9.24 - Short North Gathering Liturgy

Short North Sunday Gathering Liturgy - June 9, 2024

Carry Sunday into your week with you by continuing to reflect on the readings, prayers, and songs we shared in together as the body of Christ.


Congregation: Praise the Lord! Let us give thanks to the Lord with our whole heart, together as one body and voice, let us worship God! Great are the works of the Lord. We remember and delight in the amazing things he has done!

Leader: He is full of splendor and majesty and his righteousness endures forever. He has caused his wondrous works to be remembered; Lord is gracious and merciful. The works of his hands are faithful and just; He sent redemption to his people; he has commanded his covenant forever.

Congregation: Holy and awesome is his name!

Leader: Only when we see him as he truly is, holy and awe-inspiring, Almighty God above all, will we begin to view everything else rightly and live in a way that honors God.

Congregation: His praise endures forever!

Based on Psalm 111


Leader: You see everything within us, Holy Spirit. Lay bare our hearts, and un-clench our grip on our inner strongholds of darkness. Bring to mind now that which needs to be uncovered into the light.

Congregation: Thank you, Lord, that you are faithful and just to forgive!
Thank you, Lord, that your favor and kindness always get the last word!


Leader: May the God who has shown us all grace and given us new life empower you to go living radically as a member of a new kind of humanity, filled with the peace of God’s unhesitating favor and the power of his unwavering presence as you bless, create, and show kindness to everyone you meet. Peace be with you!

Congregation: And also with you.

Sunday's music:

Our Great God
I Need Thee Every Hour
Mighty One
After You
Build My Life

This playlist is updated each week with songs from the previous Sunday's Gathering:

Listen to the sermon:

Veritas Community Church

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