
May 28, 2017    Joe Byler    Matthew 5:9

A sermon based on Matthew 5:9 by Joe Byler, preached on May 28, 2017 at Veritas Short North as part of the "Blessed" series.

Discussion Questions:

1. Every culture, society, and kingdom has values that shape and define it. The Beatitudes put on display the values of the Kingdom of Heaven. Which kingdom is on display in your values? Which kingdom is at work in your life?

2. What is peace biblically (shalom)? How is this different than the peace we often seek and settle for in our own lives, relationships, and communities?

3. How is peacemaking connected to our reconciliation to God through Christ? In what ways are we compelled as believers to participate in the divine work of peacemaking?

4. What is the difference between peacemaking and mere peacekeeping? Where is peace (shalom) missing in your Community Group and in your neighborhood? What does peacemaking look like in these areas?